All the lego without the mystique... or maybe its the other way around...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Here's To You, Douglas Bowman.

Well ladies and gentlemen,

We have reached a milestone of epic proportions. I have left my duties at to jump on the blog bandwagon. When first faced with the suggestion of starting a blog by one of my fans, I laughed at the thought of spending my time at a place that was called a blog. I mean, what are the origins of such a word? I get the LOG part, but what about the B? When I think of blog, I think of blah and then I think of verbal diarrhea (did anybody else get that from their own word association game?). Then a friend of mine commented to me about her 500 hits and high blog ratings and my competitive nature kicked in. I was suddenly hit with the need to beat her out. What can I say... It must be my instinctive urge to prove that people like me best.

When asked to pick a template, I was disappointed by the selection and wished for something with a little more pizazz. Maybe a duck hanging from a rooftop or something. But then I decided that one of the pre-selected templates would suffice, so long as it was designed by Douglas Bowman. I only picked this template because Douglas Bowman designed it and now everytime I log into my blog, I will think about how one day me and Douglas Bowman will meet at a Duran Duran concert and then we'll get married in the synagogue next to the run down McDonalds and then I'll forever be Mrs. Stephanie Bowman. With a name like that, I'll have no problem getting an ultra exclusive membership to an ultra exclusive golf club. Then I can be one of those bourgoie women who dress in golf suits and buy expensive golf clubs, but never make it past the club's bar. Oh Douglas Bowman, you little rascal...

So in case you would like to know what you are getting yourself into by pledging your loyalty to my blog, here's a little background on me. I'm a jewish, canadian university student who would rather spend her time creating blogs than opening to her schoolbooks. I work at a movie store and when I'm not buying discounted DVDs, I'm buying CDs at regular price. I was once an avid recycler but then I gave up on humanity when the photocopiers at school were unable to photocopy doublesided.

Well thats it for today... Keep those chins up and don't forget to suck up to a dwarf this week. One day they will rule the world, as Ben Folds predicted once, and you'll be sorry you didn't.

-Dr. Ajax


Blogger K. H. said...


5:38 PM

Blogger Number Mouth said...


5:38 PM


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