All the lego without the mystique... or maybe its the other way around...

Monday, May 07, 2007


Do you ever meet someone and while you're talking to them, they invite you to visit their blog?

I don't fully understand this world where people use this online domain and instead of engaging in face to face debate, pursuade you to continue the conversation via blog entries.
Do these people not understand that nobody cares that they have a blog?

I don't really know why I find myself surfing through blogs sometimes, but if I have to browse through yet another mundane blog about political crossfires or somebody's children, I may just throw myself off a cyber-cliff.

I don't care what political party you support or what birds you like to watch.

I don't care if you like to write poetry and I CERTAINLY don't care if you think American Idol Gives Back was inspirational.

Somebody please give me something entertaining to read.


An uninspired blogger


Blogger Anthony said...

I haven't quite figured out why I pass around reading blogs either...

The Insane Membrane

9:43 AM

Blogger Andy Chan said...

it's true,but somebody stil want their blog would get the internet into trafice jam~~

9:53 AM

Blogger Laurie said...

You're so hard to please! ;)

10:15 AM

Blogger Quelyn said...

You might not care about their blog, but the fact that those blogs usually have the most readers says that there's someone that does.

12:33 PM

Blogger tomshideaway said...

I think the political blogs and the knitting blogs are the worst, oh and the haiku blogs, but worst of all are the blogs that are filled with blog tips and how to make money...ok, thankyou for this space to vent!

12:34 AM


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