All the lego without the mystique... or maybe its the other way around...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Chicken a la Zen

So, sometimes I'm not always the brightest kid in the world...

Yesterday at work, I was given the duty of running down to the dollar store to get some work supplies with money from the store. You'd think I'd act a little more reliable, considering the joy that supplies shopping brings me. So I ran down to the dollar store with my co-worker Melanie, making sure to annoy the SAQ strikers on the way, and made my way down the splendid aisles of marked down products. My task was to buy holiday decorations for the store (note- they always say holiday, but what they really mean is Christmas... reminder to self- bring in dreidels and star of davids). Our shopping duties were almost complete, when the most amazing thing caught my eye. Up on the shelf with the other mugs, rested this most perfect work of art to ever grace the shelf of a dollar store. It was a white mug with the black outline of a chicken on it. Just one outline, one chicken. It had such a zen-like quality to it. The mug looked at me and said "hi, I'm chicken a la zen. Take me home". I counted the money that I was given to buy store supplies with and, while Melanie laughed at my ridiculouso, did some supply shifting to fit the mug into our budget.
Upon returning to work, I came face to face with my boss, who was eager to go through our findings. I was so enthralled by this mug and its manipulation of my mind, that it never occured to me that my boss wouldn't appreciate it in the same way that I did. It turns out that he didn't and wanted to know immediately why I felt the need to spend the store's money on a chicken mug. After quick deliberation, I decided to tell him that one pen holder at the cash would just not suffice and we most definitely needed another one to balance out the workspace. While I don't think he bought it, I think he sometimes lets me win a few rounds for fear that I will lash out irrationally.

And that is the story of how it came to be that a chicken mug found its way to the cash counter at dvd passion.


Blogger Number Mouth said...

are you going to send me one for Christmas?

8:59 PM

Blogger Jon Langdon said...

awesome man... every once in a while we all just need a chicken mug. Actually I need one at the moment... oh no... it's kicking in, I have no chicken mug... MUST FIND CHICKEN MUG...

--Jon Langdon

6:47 PM


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