All the lego without the mystique... or maybe its the other way around...

Monday, February 07, 2005

I'm no less wiser than I was yesterday.

I got my wisdom teeth taken out today.

I found the whole experience to be somewhat amusing.
There was one particular moment that stuck with me because of the odd, tranquility of the hectic instance.

Imagine this:

I'm sitting in the dentist's chair, my mouth completely frozen to the point where I can't even swallow because my throat is numb. I had made a cd the night before to distract me while the dreaded procedure too place. It consisted of really comforting music like Nick Drake and the Smashing Pumpkin's Sheila (a personal favorite of mine). Well at this particular moment, I had Jeff Buckley's cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah blaring into my ears, while the dentists had my bottom tooth clutched with whatever tool he was using and was pulling as hard as he could. Supposedly I had really long roots, so a simple tug wouldn't do it.
So there I am, with the eerily haunting Hallelujah playing in my ear, as I tried best I could to keep a grip on the chair, with fear of falling off as the dentist pulled so hard he almost lifted the whole of me up with the tooth.
I just started giggling to myself once the tooth was out because of what I had just experienced. The dentist and his assistant just stared ast me like I was crazy.

Speaking of the assistant... I felt like I was having oral surgery with a 5 year old in the room. She kept wanting to hear my music and would talk for hours on end. She also told me to squeeze her hand if I was in a lot of pain, only to her that meant HER squeezing MY hand whenever something scary was about to happen. Why do some people do that? They take your hand so that you feel comfort but they end up hurting you more than the actual procedure does. Not to mention that I couldn't live in blissful ignorance of what was going on in my mouth. She would giggle and tell me how much blood I had on my face. Nice.

So I've been home all day and so far I've eating mashed potatoes, creamed cauliflower, and a chocolate milkshake. Tommorrow I'm going to try scrambled eggs and applesauce.

I take 3 advils and 1 extra strength tylenol every four hours.

All in all, I give this experience an 8 on 10. I get to miss a week of work and watch a lot of movies, but I'm sick of tasting blood in my mouth constantly.

Thats all folks.
More later when I'm not icing my face.


Blogger Laurie said...

YUCK! I hate the dentist. Lucky for me, I dont have any wisdom teeth. Hope your mouth feels better soon.

9:24 AM

Blogger K. H. said...

gross i hate blood

7:58 PM


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