DaVinci and Versace
So the other night, my friend and I were discussing my probable move to Toronto next fall and the idea that we are going to be roomates living in such a horrible city. We decided that it was important to get a pet for our apartment. A dog was out, because I don't have the stamina to care for a living creature that requires so much attention, and so was a cat because I am deathly allergic and violently opposed to them.
Then I came up with the idea of pet turtles. At first I wanted just one so that I could name it HalfShell. But my friend said that she would like to have more than one so that we could direct mini plays starring them. The next idea was to get four of them and name them after all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, while colour coding them. But my friend though that four was too many and that we were thinking too highly of our pet caring capabilities. Two was the magic number at the end of our conversation. Two turtles it was.
But then I was stumped for a name. I couldn't name my turtles after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with only two of them. It would be like an incomplete group. It just wouldn't seem right. And besides, which two to pick? So then I came up with a brilliant idea! Instead of naming them Leonardo and Donatello, I would take their last names, in a somewhat witty reversal of the Ninja Turtles names. Beat them at their own game. So DaVinci was set but what about Donatello? Donatello's real name is Donato di Nicolo Bardi. Nicolo Bardi just did not sound right for a turtle. So then I got to thinking about Donatella Versace and the fabulous impression that Maya Rudolph does on SNL and thats when Versace came to mind for the perfect turtle name.
So DaVinci and Versace it is.
Can you not imagine more perfect names for two turtles?
I am quite proud of myself, thank you very much.
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