So, last night I found myself at the Montreal premiere of Blade:Trinity. I'm not sure why, two days before wednesday (the big mother exam times two day) I would sacrifice study time to see a final movie in a trilogy I have never seen before, but it was all worth it when Parker Posey turned out to be the bad guy. Dude, she is totally my idol. If I ever turn gay, she's so gonna be the first chick I do.
After the movie, me and the gang (of two) headed over to Reuben's deli (a la request of the jew) for some food, even though I knew perfectly well that I had an essay due at 9 oclock the next morning. I sat down, facing the wall that had all the pictures of the pancakes on it and was overcome with the most incredible urge to eat big mother pancakes with a shitload of syrup. Then the waitress had the AUDACITY to tell me that they only serve them at breakfast time! If I were at Chenoys Deli, they'd serve me pancakes even if it was 2 in the morning!! STUPID FASCIST DELI OWNERS!!! So I ordered a chicken salad instead, which they served to me on a bed of other lettuce... what the hell is with that??
After we stuff our faces, we head back to the indoor parking where I parked my car earlier to assure a toasty car upon my return. Six fricken dollars to park for 3 hours! The parkingf attendant who was working asked me if I had purchased anything in the attached mall and I told him no. THEN he tells me that if I would have, parking would have been half price. Thanks bozo! If I'd have known, I would have bought a 5 cent bubble gum. Now he's a young kid, I'm a good lookin' girl. I flash his a smile and ask him if he'll let me by. And then I get a really harsh NO. Rough and burn. Little dude's got the power (and a lot of acne) and he's more than delighted to use it.
Well who'd have known that I would find myself in the exact same parking lot this morning. It was freezing rain and I was desperate not to leave my car outside. But once I get back to my car and I put my parking ticket in the fixed machine to pay, I find out that during the day it costs 18$!!!! to park. 18 mother fucking dollars!!! I was flabberghasted!!! And the worst part... that stupid runt of a kid was standing there smirking at me the whole time!!!!!! Note to self- Bomb the Villa Maria parking lot... and make sure that self-righteous barftard is working.
Now I should be studying for my exams and of course, I'm not...
Tommorrow is the judgement day and I might not survive it.
Two exams that I am equally ill-prepared for.
I'm out.
Thanks. Bye.
Oh ya... and it's the first night of Channukah tonight. Let's see those candles burning bright people. In case some of you are wondering, Channukah is the festival of lights. Those jerks who worked for mafia king Anti Tush ruined the jewish temple and they didn't think they had enough oil to last even an hour, but that itty bitty bit of oil lasted eight days and eight nights... hence eight nights of presents (which is bullshit... I never got eight nights of presents). Oh and there were maccabees... and they were hot.
The End.